Visionary Arctic 2013

February 8, Friday
10.00 – 16.00
Thon Hotel

The seminar explores the intersecting themes of the challenges of food security, transnational exploration and management of natural resources, new infrastructures on land and at sea, and the future of Northernscapes and communities in order to interrogate the sustainability, or not, of land and marine use in the Circumpolar Arctic.

Language: English

We cooperate with Culinary Academy in Oslo on the food concept for the seminar. We have developed the menu with seaweed as the main ingredient – a more and more vital food resource.

Seaweed salad, crisp fish skin and vinaigrette
Salmon sashimi with seaweed and soya
Seaweed soup with king crab

9:45-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:20 Introduction
· Welcoming by Pikene på Broen. Introduction by moderator Rita Westvik.
· Presentation of the food-concept for the seminar by the Culinary Academy in Oslo.

Part 1: The Arctic between fiction and reality
· Writer Kjartan Fløgstad, Oslo, about his latest novel NORDAUSTPASSASJEN (the North-East Passage).
· Kirill Kobrin, writer, journalist at Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, Prague: “Kirkenes as a biopsy-test on Europeanness”.
· Åsa K. Rennermalm, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography of Rutgers University: “Arctic Meltdown: The extreme weather of 2012 and what is ahead”.
· Esko Lotvonen, Mayor of Rovaniemi: “Development visions of Finnish Lapland and need for better logistics.”
Discussion round

Part 2: From sea to plate: “the raw and the cooked”
· Natalia Evseeva and Natalja Kalinina, senior researchers, PINRO Institute in Murmansk: «Algea resources in the Barents Sea: potentials and efficient use».
· Hanna Petersson, MA-student, School of Architecture in Oslo: “Seaweed Farm and Knowledge Garden, Hammerfest”.
Discussion round

Part 3: Industry in accord and disaccord with nature
· Jan Gunnar Skjeldsøy, architect, Farsund: “Shoyna Dissected / Chests of Sand”.
· Anna Galkina and Jane Trowell, research associates, Platform-London: “The sticky future of the Arctic oil frontier” (participation by Skype).
Discussion round

15:30-16:00 Final discussion