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  • Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway will open the Barents Spektakel 2011 festival in Kirkenes!

    Pikene på Broen are happy to announce the attendance of Her Majesty Queen Sonjaat the opening of Barents Spektakel 2011, the opening concert ARCTIC SCOREand the exhibition MIND THE MAP! As curators and organizers of the Barents Spektakel we are honored to receive the recognition of Her Majesty the Queen and we are looking forward to welcoming Her Majesty Queen Sonja to Kirkenes! MIND THE MAP! The Arctic map is changing – creating new stories, opportunities and challenges. This is the…


    The project Pan-Barentz is aimed at exploring the concept of Barents Identity.

  • Pan-Barentz in Moscow

    16 years after the Barents Region was launched as a new spatial entity in the High North, the exhibition PAN-BARENTZ explores the Barents identity at the crossroads of art, architecture, urbanism and politics.
    PAN-BARENTZ presents a series of statements, investigations, readings and interpretations made by artists and architects on and of identity in the Barents region:

  • Memoria Norway

    The artist duo SpringerParker from Berlin presents their new audiovisual performance ”Memoria Norway”.
    It is an expedition into an Arctic landscape.

  • Alt for Barents!

    Girls on the Bridge thank for cooperation under the Barents Spektakel / Barents Days 2010:

  • Visionary Arctic 2010

    February 5, Friday 09.00 – 17.00 Rica Arctic Hotel, Stoltenbergsalen The conference has especial focus on settlement patterns in the High North as a result of centralization, recent changes in the border relations and management of resources. Program Part 1: North Norway – the High North – the Saamiland – the Barents Region – Siberia…