Panel discussion Gratis Onsdag 13.november 18:00 «Nå er det alvor – Rustet for en usikker fremtid» er tittelen på Totalberedskapskommisjonens rapport som kom i fjor…
Panel discussion Gratis 17.februar 18:00 The motto of the scout movement: "Be prepared", resonates well in a time where pandemics, climate and environmental change and…
Debate 28. February 19:00 - 21:30 100,- The new fishery agreement between Norway and Russia, negotiated along with Russian warfare in Ukraine, puts the codfish…
Panel discussion Gratis 25.februar 18:00 Like a hard pull on the handbrake, the restrictions put in place during the recent pandemic brought all but a…
Panel discussion Gratis 24.februar 18:00 Lighthearted, dry, sharp, or black? More and more boundaries are being set for comedy, with self-censorship and so-called “cancel culture”…
Panel discussion Gratis 18.februar 18:00 The Transborder Café returns during Barents Spektakel 2021 to bring the most important cross-border debate and discussion to the eyes…
Panel discussion Gratis 19.februar 18:00 The Transborder Café returns during Barents Spektakel 2021 to bring the most important cross-border debate and discussion to the eyes…
Panel discussion Gratis 18.februar 18:00 The Transborder Café returns during Barents Spektakel 2021 to bring the most important cross-border debate and discussion to the eyes…