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  • Transborder Café & Barents Spektakel-lansering

    Panel discussion Gratis Onsdag 13.november 18:00 «Nå er det alvor – Rustet for en usikker fremtid» er tittelen på Totalberedskapskommisjonens rapport som kom i fjor og som denne høsten behandles av regjeringen. I diskusjoner om sikkerhet, er praktiske og militærmaterielle tiltak åpenbart i fokus. I høringsrunden for totalberedskapsrapporten kom likevel flere kulturaktører med en etterlysning:…
  • Transborder Café: Presence and Preparedness

    Panel discussion Gratis 17.februar 18:00 The motto of the scout movement: "Be prepared", resonates well in a time where pandemics, climate and environmental change and ongoing wars in near and remote geographies give reason to be prepared for the unexpected. What we store in our homes becomes an increased awareness, while the preparedness and the…
  • Transborder Café: In Borders We Trust

    Debate 11. January 18:00 - 21:00 100,-  How do we define borders and how do the borders define us, our relationships and work? Are there ethical or moral limits to cross-border cooperation, and how is the discussion of a cultural boycott of Russia assessed in the light of other geographies? Panelists: - Veli Başyiğit, Anadolu…
  • Transborder Café: In Cod we Trust

    Debate 28. February 19:00 - 21:30 100,-  The new fishery agreement between Norway and Russia, negotiated along with Russian warfare in Ukraine, puts the codfish in a special position. While the international sanctions against Russia are strengthened and expanded to hit Russian business and industry, Norwegian-Russian fisheries cooperation is one of the few areas that…
  • Transborder Café: In Barents We Trust

    Debate 11. January 18:00 - 21:00 100,-  11. January 2023 marks the 30 years since the Kirkenes Declaration was signed by Norway, Russia, Sweden and Finland - and the Barents region became a reality. The agreement from 1993 manifested the Barents region across national borders - from being a periphery on the world map, the…
  • Transborder Café: Pandemiens politiske bivirkninger

    Panel discussion Gratis 25.februar 18:00 Like a hard pull on the handbrake, the restrictions put in place during the recent pandemic brought all but a stop to cross-border mobility and freedom of movement. These measures have caused an upheaval for almost everything: from the everyday lives of individuals, to the appearance of our neighbourhoods, and…
  • Transborder Café: Humor på alvor

    Panel discussion Gratis 24.februar 18:00 Lighthearted, dry, sharp, or black? More and more boundaries are being set for comedy, with self-censorship and so-called “cancel culture” causing many heated debates around the world. At the same time, online comedy has become a globalised phenomenon, making stand-up and satire something which can cross borders and be opened…
  • Transborder Café: Det gode liv – What shall we live for?

    Panel discussion Gratis 18.februar 18:00 The Transborder Café returns during Barents Spektakel 2021 to bring the most important cross-border debate and discussion to the eyes and ears of the Barents Region and beyond. Using digital solutions, Saturday’s edition of the Transborder Café builds on the symposium topic of the festival, focusing on ‘det gode liv’…
  • Transborder Café: Essentials – What we shall we live off?

    Panel discussion Gratis 19.februar 18:00 The Transborder Café returns during Barents Spektakel 2021 to bring the most important cross-border debate and discussion to the eyes and ears of the Barents Region and beyond. Using digital solutions, Friday’s edition tackles the central question of the festival, ‘What is Essential?, What are we going to live off”.…
  • Transborder Café: Still Building Neighbourhood

    Panel discussion Gratis 18.februar 18:00 The Transborder Café returns during Barents Spektakel 2021 to bring the most important cross-border debate and discussion to the eyes and ears of the Barents Region and beyond. Crossing borders and interacting with our neighbours is an essential part of being a Barents citizen – for decades, people in the…